When taking the measurements for your shower screen it is very important that the tray is fitted and the tiling has been completed.
Fixed Panels – Fraser, Elliott
Measure the width at the base.
Base Dimensions X – mm
Measure the height required. (Our standard height is 2000mm, but your screen can be manufactured to be taller or shorter as required)
Height H = mm
If your walls are not 100% square, we need to know. Please provide the following information:
L -Left Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
R – Right Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
Wall leans In/Out – please delete as appropriate.

Enclosures – Alberto, Galdana, Mahon, Rosa, Rosa Bespoke
Measure the width of the opening at the base, middle and top of opening.
Base Dimensions X – mm
Measure the height required. (Our standard height is 2000mm, but your screen can be manufactured to be taller or shorted as required)
Height H – mm
If your walls are not 100% square we need to know. Please provide the following information:
L – Left Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
R – Right Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
Wall leans In/Out – please delete as appropriate.

Corner Enclosures – Angel, Orchard, Sentosa
Shower screens are normally positioned 10mm back from the outside edge of the tray, but this may vary depending on the specification of your tray.
Dimensions provided must be to the outside of the shower screen.
Measure the width at the base.
Base Dimensions X = mm
Base Dimensions Y = mm
Measure the height required (our standard height is 2000mm, but your screen can be manufactured to be taller or shorted as required)
Height H = mm
If your walls are not 100% square we need to know. Please provide the following information:
H – Height of Screen = mm
L – Left Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
R – Right Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
Walls leans In/Out – please delete as appropriate.

Three Sided Enclosures – Moreton
Shower screen are normally positioned 10mm back from the outside edge of the tray, but this may vary depending on the specification of your tray.
Dimensions provided must be to the outside of the shower screen.
Base Dimensions X = mm
Base Dimensions Y = mm
Base Dimensions Z = mm
Measure the height required. (Our standard height is 2000mm, but your screen can be manufactured to be taller or shorter as required)
Height H = mm
If your walls are not 100% square we need to know. Please provide the following information:
L – Left Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
R – Right Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
Wall leans In/Out – please delete as appropriate.

Bath Screens – Bicheno, Byron
Measure the width at the base.
Base Dimensions X – mm
Measure the height required. (our standard height is 1500mm but your screen can be manufactured to be taller or shorted as required)
Height H = mm
If your walls are not 100% square we need to know. Please provide the following information:
L – Left hand wall Leans = mm In/Out
R – Right Hand Wall Leans = mm In/Out
Wall leans In/Out – please delete as appropriate.